Saturday, August 2, 2008

Who, What, Where, When, and Why?

Many people I know (maybe you were one of them) have recently asked the following: who, what, where, when, and why?

Who: Me (if you don't know me, you'll have to ask) and a large portion of humanity that exists outside of Sheboygan; Wisconsin; and the US (Europe).

What: Traveling to experience firsthand other cultures and how other peoples live.
Where: Europe
When: August 13th - ?

Why: This is the biggest question, Why? The answer is, why not? If I don't do it now, each year that passes will make it less likely that I'd ever get a chance to have an experience like this. I think that working and the "real world" can wait. After 18 years of continuous structured education and the prospect of working for what seems like the rest of my life, a little break couldn't hurt. Besides, the "real world" is whatever you make it and hopefully the upcoming adventure will provide numerous invaluable experiences for the future. I am very fortunate that I have the opportunity to do something like this and while "backpacking" through Europe seems to be a cliche and ubiquitous thing for college students or recent grads to do, everyone gets something different from the experience. The "why?" question also begs for more personal questions to be asked: who am I, what do I believe in, why do I believe what I do?

Deep and philosophical? Maybe but if you're interested in regularly checking this, you're going to have to put up with it occasionally...

Ok, so it's an adventure, a journey of personal discovery, and to most adults in the "real world", a delay tactic before I join them in the rat race.
I've only got a few things to take care of yet in terms of preparation for the trip and as the departure date grows nearer, I'm getting more excited.


Anonymous said...

Dad and I are very excited for you and hope you do update your Blog periodically so we can share in your journey while it is taking place, while you are experiencing each unique culture, the people, the food and please share pictures.

We love you and know God will be watching over you and keeping you safe. MoM

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to checking in on your adventures around the "Old Country" and hope you will let you mind, as well as your feet, wonder. Post the philosophical as well as the observational. And put pics up on Facebook, or somewhere.

Your tone is perfectly appropriate, and rings true to your "voice" so keep it up.

And enjoy!

spencerineurope said...

nate you will have a great trip, and i must quote you!

"to most adults in the "real world", a delay tactic before I join them in the rat race."

i think that pretty much sums up every college student or grad's reason for heading abroad.

i shall watch your travels, and hopefully you will be able to post more pictures than i have done :( i've been slacking, but in my opinion, i have just been relaxing and really enjoying myself rather than worry about posting my entire journey up here.

have a good one!

emily said...

Have fun!!! Keep me posted on any findings. Call when you get home.